Your Homepage is usually the first thing your visitors will see when they visit your LeadSite, so you'll want to customize and personalize the Homepage to make it unique and eye-catching, while providing all the information you want them to find right off the bat.
The Homepage App allows you to customize the look and layout of your homepage and the information displayed. Within the app, you can change the template, edit text, images, and links, and add listings to your homepage.
Here is a video tutorial to help you out with the Homepage app:
To get started with the Homepage app, navigate to
Apps from your LeadSite dashboard and select the
Homepage app in the Site Design section.
Letβs first take a look at the options available via the main landing page of your Homepage app:
The Templates tab is where you can view and select the various Homepage templates (or pre-designed layouts) of your Homepage. You can choose to view all of the available templates together, or select one of the themes from the sidebar on the left to narrow down your options.
Each template has specific sections to provide its own unique viewing experience. For example, some templates feature an Agent Video, most allow the display of IDX Listings, while others contain a lead capture form, and/or a section to showcase your featured Instafarms. Choose one that best suits your audience and preferred aesthetic.
NOTE: Any text, images, links, shortcodes, and/or videos you customize in the Homepage Settings will be applied across all templates that share that section. For example, if you update your First Row Title and Subtitle on The Classic template, the same Title and Subtitle will be applied when you change your template to Noir.
The Preview tab will allow you to preview your current Homepage layout and text, as well as provide you the ability to see how your Homepage appears on other devices, such as tablets and smartphones.
In addition to previewing your current Homepage, you can also scroll through the available templates in preview mode to see how your Homepage Settings will look with other templates.
NOTE: Changes made in the Preview will not affect the published page. To change your Homepage template, select it from the Templates tab.
The Settings tab of your Homepage app is where you will edit and update your Homepage. Here, you can customize the text, images, and links, as well as any shortcodes or videos your template may allow.
NOTE: The available options and settings may change depending on the homepage template you choose.
First Row
This is where you can customize the first row of text, links, and information that visitors will see in the "hero" section of your Homepage. Personalize the Main Title and Subtitle, and choose the text and link of your First Row Button. Some templates allow you to replace the button with an IDX Search bar that visitors can use to search for and view listings.
Call To Action
This section allows you to customize your Homepage's Call To Action. By default, this text offers your visitors a home valuation and answers to their questions, and links to your default Contact page. You can change the text of the Main Title, Subtitle, and Button, and point the Link to a different page if you like.
About Us
This is your chance to introduce yourself to your visitors and show them why they should work with you. Customize your Title and Summary with info about you and/or your team, and select an appropriate Brand Image if this option is available. The default Button Text and Link direct visitors to your Team Page, but this can be pointed to your Individual Page if you're working alone, or any other page you prefer.
IDX Listings
Here, you can update your IDX section's Title and Subtitle, and insert an IDX Shortcode to display any listings you want to be featured on your Homepage.
Your LeadSite uses one of two different systems for building IDX shortcodes. Please use the links below to navigate to your system.
If you're unsure which IDX your LeadSite uses, check out the following article for details:
Photos and Videos
This is the section that allows you to add or replace the images and/or videos on your Homepage. The Primary image will use your LeadSite's Location Image by default, but this can be changed to whatever you want by clicking on the chosen image. The Social Sharing image is the default preview image used anytime you share your site on any social media platform (individual pages can have their own Social Share Images).
While different social media sites like Facebook and π have their own unique recommended dimensions, any image that's roughly twice as wide as it is tall should work for all of them.
Some templates also feature a Secondary image, Background Video, and/or Agent Video. The Secondary image can be replaced by clicking on it. A Background Video is available on several "Video" templates, and replaces the background image of your First Row with a silent video loop. An Agent Video is a featured video with audio you can use as an introduction, or to showcase property walk-throughs or tips from your YouTube Channel.
To update your Homepage video(s), navigate to the page where your video is streamed and copy <ctrl/β+C> its URL, then paste <ctrl/β+V> that into the text box. The Homepage app will automatically embed the video in the designated section of your Homepage template when you click Save Settings.
Blog, Form, Reviews, and Areas
Templates with these sections will allow you to update the associated Title, Subtitle, and Button Text where applicable.
Template Specific
Any Homepage settings you cannot find in any of the aforementioned sections will probably be found here. Some Homepage templates feature additional text, images, and links that don't fit another section, or were added sometime after the Homepage app was finalized. These include the Circle and Grid links on The Classic, Dark Classic, and New Modern Classic templates; the Small Text above the various sections on Blanc and Noir; and most of the unique links and text on The Rochester, East Aspen, and River City; among others.