Upload a Video
If you want to run an advertisement on YouTube, first you'll need a video.
Once you've recorded and edited the video you'll be using, upload the video file as an Unlisted video on YouTube.
An unlisted video will not be indexed by search engines, but it will be viewable by anyone who has the link and can be used for your ad.
DO NOT use "Private" for videos you're using for a YouTube ad. The video will not display.
Google Adwords
- Sign in to your Google Adwords account.
- Click on +Campaign and select the Video option.
- Set up your Video Campaign by choosing the Video Format, Networks, and Location.
We recommend using In-Stream ads if your goal is click-throughs to your LeadSite.
YouTube is the largest video network and the second largest search engine in the world. You can add Google's "video partners" if you choose, but for your first ad start with just advertising on YouTube videos.
Select the location criteria of the market you want to reach.
- Next you'll need to create the Ad Group and Ad. Start by naming the ad group. Next, you'll insert the URL of your unlisted video (your ad) into the "Your YouTube Video" field, select "In-stream ad", and set your destination URL (typically the URL for your landing page).
- Next, set your bidding. YouTube cost per view (CPV) is relatively cheap. Even if you set your Maximum CPV at $1.00, it will likely only cost you a few cents per view.
- Last, set your targeting. Choose demographics and interests relevant to your specific offer.
Experiment with different video ads, targeting setups, and landing pages to see what works for you!